About Terry Vandeventer

Having grown up in the "Great Corn Desert" of east-central Illinois, I have always possessed a deep interest in exotic places and all things wild. Early in life I developed an overwhelming fascination with snakes. I went on to spend the next fifty years becoming a recognized expert in the field of Herpetology, or the study of reptiles and amphibians. My work has taken me to far-flung regions to investigate and collect specimens of rare snakes for research and breeding in captivity. My childhood heroes were Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler of Wild Kingdom fame. Years later I would experience my own similar adventures in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and the Amazon rain forest.

Throughout my formative years I loved knives and owned many. However, it never entered my mind that individuals actually undertook the task of making fine, functional, hand-crafted cutlery. I thought Wal-Mart made knives!

In 1989 I made the acquaintance of Bobby Howard, a stock-removal knife maker here in Mississippi. Bobby was generous with his guidance and soon we both began experimenting with forging blades. To this day we remain great friends and usually travel together to hammer-ins, shows and other knife-related functions. I joined the American Bladesmith Society and further discovered the joys of producing a hand-forged blade.

Since the beginning of my knife making efforts I have endeavored to produce both functional and beautiful pieces meant to satisfy the new owner's tastes and needs, and then be passed down to the next generation. I believe that with the hard-earned title of American Bladesmith Society Master Smith, comes the responsibility to produce the finest handcrafted cutlery I am capable of. This is what I do with every blade I produce. Today I carry my own knives with me on remote research expeditions (as do many of our in-country guides) to places where your life may very well depend upon the reliability of your blade.

Bladesmithing is a passion that I hold ahead of everything, save my family and career. It has taught me patience and served as an outlet for the stresses which I encounter in everyday life. It has "tempered" my attitudes. It is my hobby, albeit a sophisticated one, which finds me at the forge or in my shop on nearly a daily basis.

I am supported emotionally by my beautiful wife Ginger. We reside just outside the capital city of Jackson, Mississippi.